President’s Report
Here is the latest from our President, Trent Steenholdt (president@wacua.asn.au)
FEBRUARY ALREADY! Where has the Season gone! I hope everyone has been enjoying themselves with the hot weekends we’ve been having.
- Annual Season Dinner. Please RSVP now at https://www.wacua.asn.au/event/annual-season-dinner-2020/ to confirm your attendance. Guests are also welcome (please RSVP for them) for $30.00 AUD, paid to our bank account.
The night is on Saturday, April 4th at 6:30 pm for a 7 pm start. I’m happy to inform that we’ve secured the services of David ‘Crystal’ Clear as our MC (special kudos to Wayne Barron for sorting this) so as you can see, this night will once again be a step up from last seasons. This is our night of night, so please do come along. - T20 Match – Pencil date, Sunday, March 1st. Subject to some last couple of hoops, I’m happy to inform that the T20 game should be a go for Sunday, March 1st at Kent Street High School. Please keep an eye out for the email invite that will go out for this in the coming days!
- Co-branding merchandise for Season 2020-21 with the WACA. The Committee has been working closely with the WACA and their merchandise provider BLK to explore the possibility of co-branding with both off-field and on-field uniforms next season. This includes a wider change embarked by the WACA to standardise the on-field shirts to one colour for all formats other than two-day Senior Men’s first grade (e.g. Default blue shirt with white for two-day red-ball cricket in the first grade only). Much of this is still early days but early indications look promising with merchandise being completed all online and posted to people, removing a common problem for members unable to get their merchandise. More on this in the coming weeks and months.
- MOU (for Season 2020-21) finalisation for WACA review. A final draft of the MOU for Season 2020-21 has been worked on with the WACA and is now with the WACA for their internal review processes. Much of the MOU for season 2020-21 remains unaltered except for some formatting and grammatical changes. In summary, some of the changes are:
- The WACA Registration Fee Process remains unchanged, albeit some formality changes for our Life Members still umpiring which are entitled to a refund.
- More clarity on supplementary group umpires, essentially those individuals that are casual.
- Rewording around the WACA financial support, to remove the limit of $1500 AUD. The Annual Season Dinner this year is an example where the WACA themselves are contributing more than this amount.
- Matchday payment if the match is cancelled by the WACA on the day of the match.
A review of the WACA Registration Fee will be completed following the Annual Dinner, as prescribed by the current MOU, and will be taken to the members at the next Annual General Meeting.
Secretary’s Report
Here is the latest from our Secretary, Ashlee Gibbons (secretary@wacua.asn.au)
If you have any queries about your membership please see me at the meeting or send me an email.
Correspondence In:
- Email from Daniel Gibbons regarding merchandise from BLK.
- Email from Daniel Gibbons regarding Olly Cooley tickets.
- Email from Daniel Gibbons regarding MOU updates.
- Email from Jodi Prosser regarding the passing of her father.
- Email from Daniel Gibbons regarding the presentation of umpire medals.
- Email from Daniel Gibbons regarding award criteria.
- Email from Daniel Gibbons regarding Annual Dinner organisation.
Correspondence In:
- Email to Daniel Gibbons regarding merchandise from BLK.
- Email to Daniel Gibbons regarding Olly Cooley tickets.
- Email to Daniel Gibbons regarding MOU updates.
- Email to WACA regarding room booking for meeting.
- Email to Daniel Gibbons regarding the presentation of umpire medals.
- Email to Daniel Gibbons regarding award criteria.
- Email to Daniel Gibbons regarding Annual Dinner organisation.
Treasurer’s Report
Here is the latest from our treasurer, Andrew Micenko (president@wacua.asn.au)
Hi everyone,
It’s been a quiet month on the treasury front. People are starting to pay for their guest tickets to the annual dinner, which is good to see. We also had a few more merchandise sales at the last committee meeting. Apart from that, we’ve had the usual raffle takings and bar/BBQ costs from the last general meeting.
I’ve attached the finances document below for your viewing. As you can see, we’ve got $19,581.42 in the bank. Summing up the expected costs for the annual dinner, Olly Cooley night and Karen Read medal night comes to $4550. So with these expenses plus the other smaller events that are remaining in the year, we should be able to stay above the $15,000 mark by the end of the association’s financial year.
Happy umpiring!