Committee Report – January 2020

Special thanks to our Major Sponsor, the Match Official System

President’s Report

Firstly, Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a lovely break and enjoyed time with friends and family. The second half of the season is now in full swing and it won’t be long until Season 19-20 is coming to a close!

Here is the latest from our President, Trent Steenholdt (

  • Golf Day instead of T20 Match – Thank you to everyone that participated with the Golf Day at Wembley. It was a small group but it was fun nevertheless! The T20 game is still on the cards and we’ll try to organise this to be played in March. Watch this space and thank you for your patience on it.
  • Annual Season Dinner

    RSVP to confirm your attendance now! (view bottom of the page)

    As you should know by now, the dinner this year is included in your WACA registration fee and is on Saturday, April 4th, 6:30 pm for a 7pm start. You can also bring your partner along for only $30, which is great value for money when considering they’ll leave the evening full with a two-course meal and a small gift on behalf of the association.

    The Annual Dinner this year will be an improvement on the last; much like each seasons dinner has been in this generation. Included this year on top of last year will be:
    • bar tickets for a first free drink.
    • a Master of Ceremonies to run the entire evening.
    • more special goodies for the raffle and table quizzes.
    • the presentation of Grand Final Medals and the announcements of umpire of the season for all the various grades and competition.
  • General Committee works update – The committee has been working very hard behind the scenes to refine and improve our processes, not only for this season but also into next season as well. Included in this is some work on the Peter McConnell Medal criteria, the potential of merchandise co-branding with the WACA, the MOU for next season, Life Membership nomination guidance (no change to actual process) and review of our awards and medals. More will come about this in the coming weeks and months so once again, watch this space!

Secretary’s Report

Here is the latest from our Secretary, Ashlee Gibbons (

Happy New Year everyone! It was a very quiet month in terms of correspondence over the Christmas and New Year period.

If you haven’t already, please register for membership at

Correspondence In:

  • Email from Aaron regarding assistance with photos of grandfather, Warren Carter.

Correspondence Out:

  • Nil.

Treasurer’s Report

Here is the latest from our Treasurer, Andrew Micenko (

Happy new year everyone! I hope you all made the most of the short break. I managed to get over to Brisbane and the Gold Coast for a week to spend time with family.

I’m happy to report that we’ve received all the membership fees from people who nominated to have theirs paid out of their WACA umpiring payments. We received $5940 for 108 members who elected to pay this way.

Since the last meeting, we’ve also had the golf day where we provided a prize and a bar tab to the tune of $269.29. We also had a small number of merchandise payments at the last meeting – thank you. I’d also like to thank Bill Reynolds for his kind donation to the association at the life members’ lunch.

As far as the budget goes, to stay above our target of $15,000 in the bank we now have $4,400 to spend for the rest of the season. Most of this ($2,875) will go towards the annual season dinner. We also have $1200 budgeted for the grand final breakfast. The money we make from tickets to those events should cover the other costs that we have for the year, such as the Olly Cooley and Karen Read medal night subsidies and further events such as back to base drinks and bar tabs at the February and March general meetings.

Here are the current numbers:
Cheque account – $7,058.21
Savings account – $12,230.29
Cash – $136.35
Total – $19,424.85

If you’d like to see my spreadsheet of all the current income and expenses, it’s attached below.

That’s all from me!